Thank you to all the ladies in the Knit & Stitch group who have been knitting all these beautiful clothes for babies in Africa and in Birmingham Children’s Hospital & Walsall Hospital.
Our group started off in September 2013. We decided to meet a few times a month and maybe support a few charities. We were told about a hospital in South Africa who needed baby clothes. We sent hand knitted shawls, jumpers and hats. We've had donations of wool and that helped us to support other charities. We average about 12-14 ladies who turn out some beautiful garments. We all enjoy the social interaction, and we get great satisfaction from knowing we're helping the less fortunate. In the 18 months of setting up we have sent knitted baby wear to a hospital in South Africa, supported a Romanian charity and local good causes. MEETINGS ARE CURRENTLY SUSPENDED DUE TO COVID19 KNIT AND STITCH MEET 2nd AND 4th MONDAYS EACH MONTH 2-4pm IN THE COMMUNITY ROOM AT HOLY CROSS. |