Parish Choir & Music Liturgy
CHOIR: The Parish Choir sings at the 11.00 a.m Mass at SS Peter and Paul every Sunday Morning.
The Choir also provide the music liturgy for the Christmas and Easter services at SS Peter Paul. In addition to leading the congregation for several Mass settings throughout the liturgical year, hymns are sung which are appropriate for the readings for the Sunday's of the year, together with the sung Response to the Psalms and the Alleluias. Each week the choir sing a suitable Motet during Communion. CHOIR PRACTICE The Choir rehearse at SS Peter & Paul, days and times subject to change and newcomers wishing to join the choir are always made very welcome. An ability to read music is helpful, but not essential. If you like to sing, and would like to join our choir please speak to one of the members of the choir. Choirmaster : Mr Tony Hartley Organists; Mr Joe Cooper, Mrs Einir Baxter HISTORICAL NOTE: Our Parish Choir was formed soon after the church was opened in 1967, and have since endeavoured to maintain a good repertoire of SATB settings for the Mass and Motets. New Translation of the Mass: Since the recent introduction of the new translation of the Mass, many music settings of the Mass have become ‘redundant’, or had to be adapted to the new words. The Choir is gradually introducing new mass settings to the new translation. PARISH HYMNALS: New Hymnals “ Celebration Hymnal for All” were bought for the Parish in 2015/16. 8.30 AM Morning Mass at Holy Cross and Hymns for the appropriate Sunday are sung. School led Masses. Occasionally, during term time, the Children from St Joseph's and SS P&P schools lead the music liturgy for Communion and Confirmation services. ORGANS: HOLY CROSS: At Holy Cross, we have a Two Manual Bevington Pipe Organ build in 1843. It was refurbished at the time of the Holy Cross re-generation project in 2000. SS PETER & PAUL: When the Church was built in 1967 a Compton Electrone Organ was installed. It is one of only a few of it's type still in operation. |